Pokémon Reborn Database

Apophyll Beach (565)

Parent area Neo Apophyll (561) Underwater area (?) Azurine Lake (547) Surface area (?) None
Child areas Azurine Lake
Outdoor map? Yes Bicycle usable? Yes Dark area (Flash usable)? No
Battle background AshenBeach Base field effect Ashen Beach Fixed weather None
Background music Atmosphere- Fluid2.ogg Background sound Default
Wild battle music Battle- Wild2 Wild victory music Victory! Surf music Atmosphere- Surfing
Trainer battle music Battle- Trainer2 Trainer victory music Victory! Bicycle music Atmosphere- Rush


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There may be some imperfections, as I haven't yet figured out how render the autotiles correctly.

Wild encounters

Base encounter rates

These are the chances of a wild encounter being initiated per step, for each terrain type.

Grass Cave Water
1 3⁄5 % 4⁄5 % 2 2⁄5 %

Pokémon encounter rates

Given that an encounter has begun, the chance of encountering a given Pokémon with a given level can be read off from the table below. If a level range is given, each level within that range is equally likely.

For time-based encounters, morning is 6am to noon, day is noon to 8pm, night is 8pm to 6am, dusk is 5pm to 6pm.

Encounter method Pokémon Level range Rate Moves
Cave Sandygast 45–65 42 % Iron Defense, Giga Drain, Shadow Ball, Earth Power (45–49)
Giga Drain, Shadow Ball, Earth Power, Shore Up (50–53)
Shadow Ball, Earth Power, Shore Up, Sandstorm (54–65)
Cave Wingull 45–65 25 % Roost, Agility, Air Slash, Hurricane (45–65)
Cave Pelipper 45–59 10 5⁄7 % Swallow, Spit Up, Roost, Tailwind (45–49)
Spit Up, Roost, Tailwind, Hydro Pump (50–54)
Roost, Tailwind, Hydro Pump, Hurricane (55–59)
Cave Pelipper 60–65 6 36⁄77 % Roost, Tailwind, Hydro Pump, Hurricane (60–65)
Cave Palossand 60–65 4 12⁄77 % Shadow Ball, Earth Power, Shore Up, Sandstorm (60–65)
Cave Palossand 45–59 3 4⁄7 % Hypnosis, Iron Defense, Giga Drain, Shadow Ball (45–46)
Iron Defense, Giga Drain, Shadow Ball, Earth Power (47–53)
Giga Drain, Shadow Ball, Earth Power, Shore Up (54–59)
Cave Pelipper 80–90 2 % Roost, Tailwind, Hydro Pump, Hurricane (80–90)
Cave Pelipper 66–70 1 9⁄11 % Roost, Tailwind, Hydro Pump, Hurricane (66–70)
Cave Palossand 66–69 1 9⁄11 % Shadow Ball, Earth Power, Shore Up, Sandstorm (66–69)
Cave Palossand 71–80 1 9⁄11 % Shadow Ball, Earth Power, Shore Up, Sandstorm (71–80)
Cave Palossand 70 7⁄11 % Shadow Ball, Earth Power, Shore Up, Sandstorm (70–70)
Rock Smash Krabby 40–55 50 % Protect, Guillotine, Slam, Brine (40–40)
Guillotine, Slam, Brine, Crabhammer (41–44)
Slam, Brine, Crabhammer, Flail (45–55)
Rock Smash Corphish 40–55 25 % Razor Shell, Taunt, Swords Dance, Crunch (40–42)
Taunt, Swords Dance, Crunch, Crabhammer (43–47)
Swords Dance, Crunch, Crabhammer, Guillotine (48–55)
Rock Smash Binacle 40–55 15 % Rock Polish, Ancient Power, Hone Claws, Fury Cutter (40–40)
Ancient Power, Hone Claws, Fury Cutter, Night Slash (41–44)
Hone Claws, Fury Cutter, Night Slash, Razor Shell (45–48)
Fury Cutter, Night Slash, Razor Shell, Cross Chop (49–55)
Rock Smash Kingler 45–65 7 % Stomp, Protect, Guillotine, Slam (45–50)
Protect, Guillotine, Slam, Brine (51–55)
Guillotine, Slam, Brine, Crabhammer (56–62)
Slam, Brine, Crabhammer, Flail (63–65)
Rock Smash Barbaracle 70–90 3 % Razor Shell, Cross Chop, Stone Edge, Skull Bash (70–90)
Old Rod Shellos (East Sea Form) 20–30 47 29⁄93 % Harden, Water Pulse, Mud Bomb, Hidden Power (20–21)
Water Pulse, Mud Bomb, Hidden Power, Rain Dance (22–28)
Mud Bomb, Hidden Power, Rain Dance, Body Slam (29–30)
Old Rod Shellos (East Sea Form) 10–19 33 1⁄3 % Mud-Slap, Mud Sport, Harden, Water Pulse (10–10)
Mud Sport, Harden, Water Pulse, Mud Bomb (11–15)
Harden, Water Pulse, Mud Bomb, Hidden Power (16–19)
Old Rod Shellos (East Sea Form) 31–50 19 11⁄31 % Mud Bomb, Hidden Power, Rain Dance, Body Slam (31–36)
Hidden Power, Rain Dance, Body Slam, Muddy Water (37–45)
Rain Dance, Body Slam, Muddy Water, Recover (46–50)
Good Rod Carvanha 35–50 60 % Swagger, Ice Fang, Scary Face, Poison Fang (35–35)
Ice Fang, Scary Face, Poison Fang, Crunch (36–38)
Scary Face, Poison Fang, Crunch, Agility (39–42)
Poison Fang, Crunch, Agility, Take Down (43–50)
Good Rod Corphish 30–50 20 % Protect, Double Hit, Knock Off, Night Slash (30–30)
Double Hit, Knock Off, Night Slash, Razor Shell (31–33)
Knock Off, Night Slash, Razor Shell, Taunt (34–36)
Night Slash, Razor Shell, Taunt, Swords Dance (37–38)
Razor Shell, Taunt, Swords Dance, Crunch (39–42)
Taunt, Swords Dance, Crunch, Crabhammer (43–47)
Swords Dance, Crunch, Crabhammer, Guillotine (48–50)
Good Rod Clauncher 30–50 20 % Flail, Bubble Beam, Swords Dance, Crabhammer (30–33)
Bubble Beam, Swords Dance, Crabhammer, Water Pulse (34–38)
Swords Dance, Crabhammer, Water Pulse, Smack Down (39–42)
Crabhammer, Water Pulse, Smack Down, Aqua Jet (43–47)
Water Pulse, Smack Down, Aqua Jet, Muddy Water (48–50)
Super Rod Kingler 40–70 40 % Metal Claw, Stomp, Protect, Guillotine (40–43)
Stomp, Protect, Guillotine, Slam (44–50)
Protect, Guillotine, Slam, Brine (51–55)
Guillotine, Slam, Brine, Crabhammer (56–62)
Slam, Brine, Crabhammer, Flail (63–70)
Super Rod Staryu 50–75 35 % Confuse Ray, Psychic, Light Screen, Cosmic Power (50–52)
Psychic, Light Screen, Cosmic Power, Hydro Pump (53–75)
Super Rod Crawdaunt 40–70 15 % Night Slash, Razor Shell, Taunt, Swords Dance (40–42)
Razor Shell, Taunt, Swords Dance, Crunch (43–47)
Taunt, Swords Dance, Crunch, Crabhammer (48–53)
Swords Dance, Crunch, Crabhammer, Guillotine (54–70)
Super Rod Clawitzer 40–70 7 % Bubble Beam, Swords Dance, Crabhammer, Water Pulse (40–41)
Swords Dance, Crabhammer, Water Pulse, Smack Down (42–48)
Crabhammer, Water Pulse, Smack Down, Aqua Jet (49–52)
Water Pulse, Smack Down, Aqua Jet, Muddy Water (53–70)
Super Rod Sharpedo 70–90 3 % Agility, Skull Bash, Taunt, Night Slash (70–90)
Surf Tentacool 40–55 50 % Poison Jab, Brine, Screech, Hex (40–42)
Brine, Screech, Hex, Sludge Wave (43–45)
Screech, Hex, Sludge Wave, Hydro Pump (46–48)
Hex, Sludge Wave, Hydro Pump, Wring Out (49–55)
Surf Wingull 40–55 25 % Aerial Ace, Roost, Agility, Air Slash (40–42)
Roost, Agility, Air Slash, Hurricane (43–55)
Surf Tentacruel 50–60 15 % Brine, Screech, Hex, Sludge Wave (50–51)
Screech, Hex, Sludge Wave, Hydro Pump (52–55)
Hex, Sludge Wave, Hydro Pump, Wring Out (56–60)
Surf Pelipper 50–70 7 % Spit Up, Roost, Tailwind, Hydro Pump (50–54)
Roost, Tailwind, Hydro Pump, Hurricane (55–70)
Surf Mantine 70–90 3 % Air Slash, Aqua Ring, Bounce, Hydro Pump (70–90)