Pokémon Reborn Database

Hydro Cannon

Damage class Special Type WATER Target Single target
Power 150 Accuracy 90 PP 5
Priority 0 Additional effect chance 0%
Additional effect description User must recharge after successful use.

In-game description

The target is hit with a watery blast. The user can't move on the next turn.

Pokémon that learn it

Pokémon Methods
  • Move tutor
Blastoise (Mega Form)
  • Move tutor
  • Move tutor
  • Move tutor
Swampert (Mega Form)
  • Move tutor
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Normal Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Fighting Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Flying Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Poison Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Ground Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Rock Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Bug Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Ghost Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Steel Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Unknown Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Fire Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Water Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Grass Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Electric Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Psychic Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Ice Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Dragon Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Dark Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (Fairy Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Normal Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Fighting Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Flying Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Poison Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Ground Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Rock Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Bug Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Ghost Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Steel Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Unknown Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Fire Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Water Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Grass Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Electric Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Psychic Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Ice Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Dragon Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Dark Form)
  • Move tutor
Arceus (PULSE-Fairy Form)
  • Move tutor
  • Move tutor
  • Move tutor
  • Move tutor