Pokémon Reborn Database

Move Tutors


Each move tutor can teach each move an unlimited number of times. However, there is usually an initial cost that must be paid for each move so that the tutor can teach it for the first time. Once the cost is paid, it does not need to be paid again for subsequent teachings of the same move.

The cost will either be a monetary cost, or a cost in shard items.


Move Cost Tutor Sprite Tutor Area
Endeavor 3 × Green Shard Apophyll Academy (25)
Gastro Acid 1 × Blue Shard Apophyll Academy (25)
Pain Split 3 × Red Shard Apophyll Academy (25)
Recycle 2 × Purple Shard Apophyll Academy (25)
Celebrate Free Grand Hall (38)
After You 250 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Ally Switch 250 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Bind 500 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Block 500 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Gravity 500 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Helping Hand 500 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Iron Defense 1000 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Magic Coat 500 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Magic Room 500 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Magnet Rise 500 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Snatch 500 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Snore 500 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Spite 250 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Telekinesis 100 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Wonder Room 500 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Worry Seed 1000 Pokédollars Onyx Trainers' School 2F (123)
Giga Drain Free Rhodochrine Jungle (154)
Fire Pledge 3 × Red Shard Lapis Ward (169)
Grass Pledge 3 × Green Shard Lapis Ward (169)
Water Pledge 3 × Blue Shard Lapis Ward (169)
Volt Tackle Free Nyu's House (299)
Bounce 3 × Purple Shard 7th Street (324)
Bug Bite 3 × Red Shard 7th Street (324)
Covet 3 × Blue Shard 7th Street (324)
Defog 2 × Red Shard 7th Street (324)
Electroweb 3 × Green Shard 7th Street (324)
Giga Drain 6 × Green Shard 7th Street (324)
Headbutt 3 × Blue Shard 7th Street (324)
Heal Bell 4 × Green Shard 7th Street (324)
Iron Head 7 × Purple Shard 7th Street (324)
Knock Off 8 × Red Shard 7th Street (324)
Laser Focus 1 × Blue Shard 7th Street (324)
Last Resort 3 × Purple Shard 7th Street (324)
Liquidation 6 × Blue Shard 7th Street (324)
Role Play 1 × Purple Shard 7th Street (324)
Shock Wave 3 × Red Shard 7th Street (324)
Skill Swap 1 × Green Shard 7th Street (324)
Sky Attack 2 × Red Shard 7th Street (324)
Super Fang 3 × Green Shard 7th Street (324)
Trick 2 × Purple Shard 7th Street (324)
Water Pulse 3 × Blue Shard 7th Street (324)
Drill Run 4 × Purple Shard Agate Circus (355)
Dual Chop 4 × Blue Shard Agate Circus (355)
Fire Pledge 3 × Red Shard Agate Circus (355)
Fire Punch 5 × Purple Shard Agate Circus (355)
Focus Punch 3 × Green Shard Agate Circus (355)
Grass Pledge 3 × Green Shard Agate Circus (355)
Hyper Voice 5 × Green Shard Agate Circus (355)
Ice Punch 6 × Red Shard Agate Circus (355)
Iron Tail 4 × Blue Shard Agate Circus (355)
Low Kick 6 × Red Shard Agate Circus (355)
Stomp Tantrum 4 × Purple Shard Agate Circus (355)
Synthesis 3 × Red Shard Agate Circus (355)
Thunder Punch 5 × Green Shard Agate Circus (355)
Uproar 3 × Blue Shard Agate Circus (355)
Water Pledge 3 × Blue Shard Agate Circus (355)
Aqua Tail 5 × Blue Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Blast Burn 3 × Red Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Draco Meteor 9 × Purple Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Dragon Pulse 6 × Green Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Drain Punch 6 × Blue Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Earth Power 9 × Green Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Foul Play 7 × Red Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Frenzy Plant 3 × Green Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Gunk Shot 6 × Blue Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Heat Wave 9 × Red Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Hydro Cannon 3 × Blue Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Icy Wind 6 × Green Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Outrage 8 × Purple Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Seed Bomb 6 × Purple Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Signal Beam 5 × Purple Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Stealth Rock 7 × Red Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Superpower 8 × Blue Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Tailwind 7 × Green Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Throat Chop 6 × Red Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Zen Headbutt 5 × Purple Shard Peridot Ward (522)
Headbutt Free Aegir Cave (849)