Damage class | Status | Type | NORMAL | Target | Single target |
Power | --- | Accuracy | --- | PP | 20 |
Priority | 0 | Additional effect chance | 0% | ||
Additional effect description | Averages user's and target's current HP. |
The user adds their HP to the target's HP, then equally shares the combined HP with the target.
Pokémon | Methods |
Vulpix (Normal Form) |
Vulpix (Alolan Form) |
Ninetales (Normal Form) |
Ninetales (Alolan Form) |
Jigglypuff |
Wigglytuff |
Grimer (Normal Form) |
Grimer (Alolan Form) |
Muk (Normal Form) |
Muk (Alolan Form) |
Muk (PULSE Form) |
Gastly |
Haunter |
Gengar |
Gengar (Mega Form) |
Marowak (Alolan Form) |
Koffing |
Weezing |
Tangela |
Staryu |
Starmie |
Porygon |
Mew |
Igglybuff |
Natu |
Xatu |
Misdreavus (Normal Form) |
Misdreavus (Aevian Form) |
Pineco |
Forretress |
Dunsparce |
Qwilfish |
Slugma |
Magcargo |
Porygon2 |
Ralts |
Kirlia |
Gardevoir |
Gardevoir (Mega Form) |
Gardevoir (Rift Form) |
Nosepass |
Sableye |
Sableye (Mega Form) |
Mawile |
Mawile (Mega Form) |
Meditite |
Medicham |
Medicham (Mega Form) |
Gulpin |
Swalot |
Swalot (PULSE Form) |
Lunatone |
Solrock |
Lileep |
Cradily |
Shuppet |
Banette |
Banette (Mega Form) |
Duskull |
Dusclops |
Rampardos |
Shellos (West Sea Form) |
Shellos (East Sea Form) |
Gastrodon (West Sea Form) |
Gastrodon (East Sea Form) |
Drifloon |
Drifblim |
Mismagius (Normal Form) |
Mismagius (Aevian Form) |
Spiritomb |
Tangrowth |
Tangrowth (PULSE C Form) |
Tangrowth (PULSE B Form) |
Tangrowth (PULSE A Form) |
Porygon-Z |
Gallade |
Gallade (Mega Form) |
Probopass |
Dusknoir |
Froslass |
Rotom (Normal Form) |
Rotom (Heat Form) |
Rotom (Wash Form) |
Rotom (Frost Form) |
Rotom (Fan Form) |
Rotom (Mow Form) |
Giratina (Altered Form) |
Giratina (Origin Form) |
Munna |
Musharna |
Audino |
Audino (Mega Form) |
Throh |
Sawk |
Yamask |
Cofagrigus |
Trubbish |
Garbodor |
Garbodor (Mega Form) |
Solosis |
Duosion |
Reuniclus |
Frillish |
Jellicent |
Alomomola |
Elgyem |
Beheeyem |
Litwick |
Lampent |
Chandelure |
Stunfisk |
Chespin |
Quilladin |
Chesnaught |
Phantump |
Trevenant |
Pumpkaboo |
Pumpkaboo (Small Form) |
Gourgeist |
Gourgeist (Small Form) |
Zygarde (50% Form) |
Zygarde (10% Form) |
Zygarde (100% Form) |
Mareanie |
Toxapex |
Stufful |
Bewear |
Comfey |
Oranguru |
Golisopod |
Sandygast |
Palossand |
Pyukumuku |
Mimikyu (Disguised Form) |
Mimikyu (Broken Form) |
Bruxish |
Dhelmise |
Nihilego |
Magearna |
Blacephalon |