Pokémon Reborn Database


Pokédex number 428 Gender ratio 50% male, 50% female Growth rate Medium Fast
Category Rabbit Pokémon Steps to hatch 5355 Base EXP yield 168
Base friendship 140 Egg groups Field, Human-Like

Normal Form

Jump to: StatsEvolutionMovesEncounter ratesTrainersBattle facility sets

More sprites
Type Normal
Weaknesses FIGHTING
Immunities GHOST
Abilities Name Description
Regular Abilities Cute Charm May infatuate attackers who make direct contact.
Klutz It is unable to gain any effect of its held item.
Hidden Ability Limber This Pokémon cannot be paralyzed.
Pokédex entry An extremely cautious Pokémon. It cloaks its body with its fluffy ear fur when it senses danger.
Height 4′11″ / 1.2 m Weight 734 lb / 33.3 kg Catch Rate 60
Wild held items None
Eggs hatch into Buneary


HP Attack Defense Speed Special Attack Special Defense Total
Base stats 65 76 84 105 54 96 480
EV yields 0 0 0 2 0 0 2


Level up with at least 220 friendship


Learnt by levelling up

Level Move
1 Healing Wish
1 Bounce
1 Rototiller
1 Mirror Coat
1 Magic Coat
1 Defense Curl
1 Splash
1 Pound
1 Foresight
6 Endure
13 Baby-Doll Eyes
16 Quick Attack
23 Jump Kick
26 Baton Pass
33 Agility
36 Dizzy Punch
43 After You
46 Charm
53 Entrainment
56 Bounce
63 Healing Wish
66 High Jump Kick

Learnt on evolution


Learnt from a pre-evolution

Pre-evolution Move Method
Buneary Circle Throw Egg Move
Buneary Copycat Egg Move
Buneary Cosmic Power Egg Move
Buneary Double Hit Egg Move
Buneary Encore Egg Move
Buneary Fake Out Egg Move
Buneary Fake Tears Egg Move
Buneary Flail Egg Move
Buneary Mud Sport Egg Move
Buneary Sky Uppercut Egg Move
Buneary Sweet Kiss Egg Move
Buneary Switcheroo Egg Move
Buneary Teeter Dance Egg Move

Learnt from TMs/TMXs

Item Move
TM01 Work Up
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solar Beam
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM52 Focus Blast
TM56 Fling
TM57 Charge Beam
TM59 Brutal Swing
TM68 Giga Impact
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM88 Sleep Talk
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Secret Power
TM98 Power-Up Punch
TMX1 Cut
TMX4 Strength
TMX7 Rock Smash

Learnt from Move Tutors

After You
Drain Punch
Fire Punch
Focus Punch
Heal Bell
Helping Hand
Hyper Voice
Ice Punch
Iron Tail
Laser Focus
Last Resort
Low Kick
Shock Wave
Thunder Punch
Water Pulse

Encounter rates

Area ID Area name Encounter method Level range Rate
520 Obsidia Ward Grass (morning) 45–65 4 %
520 Obsidia Ward Grass (day) 45–65 9 %
527 North Obsidia Ward Grass (morning) 45–65 4 %
527 North Obsidia Ward Grass (day) 45–65 9 %
528 South Obsidia Ward Grass (morning) 45–65 4 %
528 South Obsidia Ward Grass (day) 45–65 9 %

Appearances in Trainer teams

Show trainer names and Pokémon nicknames (these may constitute spoilers)

League Manager Amethyst 1
League Manager Amethyst 1 ("Lustbunny")
Level 120, holding Lopunnite, female, 255 friendship
Adamant nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
324 330 243 369 153 272
EVs 4 252 0 252 0 0
IVs 31 31 31 31 31 31
Q Gang Santiago 1
Q Gang Santiago 1
Level 82, holding Sitrus Berry, random gender, 70 friendship
Jolly nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
241 172 185 240 122 205
EVs 85 85 85 85 85 85
IVs 31 31 31 31 31 31
Pretty Boy Cain 9
Pretty Boy Cain 9
Level 100, holding Lopunnite, male, 70 friendship
Cute Charm
Jolly nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
271 251 205 339 129 228
EVs 0 252 4 252 0 0
IVs 31 31 31 31 31 31
Snow Angel Lumi 3
Snow Angel Lumi 3
Level 100, holding Lopunnite, random gender, 255 friendship
Jolly nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
272 251 204 339 129 228
EVs 4 252 0 252 0 0
IVs 31 31 31 31 31 31
Prodigy Noel 5
Prodigy Noel 5
Level 100, holding Lopunnite, random gender, 70 friendship
Cute Charm
Jolly nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
271 251 204 339 129 229
EVs 0 252 0 252 0 4
IVs 31 31 31 31 31 31
Prodigy Noel 6
Prodigy Noel 6
Level 100, holding Lopunnite, random gender, 70 friendship
Cute Charm
Jolly nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
271 251 204 339 129 229
EVs 0 252 0 252 0 4
IVs 31 31 31 31 31 31
Prodigy Noel 7
Prodigy Noel 7
Level 100, holding Lopunnite, random gender, 70 friendship
Cute Charm
Jolly nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
271 251 204 339 129 229
EVs 0 252 0 252 0 4
IVs 31 31 31 31 31 31
Punk Celina
Punk Celina
Level 60, no item, random gender, 70 friendship
Cute Charm/Klutz/Limber (?)
Hardy nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
166 114 124 149 88 138
EVs 85 85 85 85 85 85
IVs 10 10 10 10 10 10
Umbral Radomus
Umbral Radomus
Level 115, holding Lopunnite, random gender, 70 friendship
Adamant nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
346 277 270 318 180 298
EVs 252 252 252 252 252 252
IVs 0 0 0 0 0 0
Umbral Samson
Umbral Samson
Level 115, holding Lopunnite, female, 70 friendship
Cute Charm
Adamant nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
382 315 306 354 213 333
EVs 252 252 252 252 252 252
IVs 31 31 31 31 31 31
Sensei Victoria 5
Sensei Victoria 5
Level 100, holding Lopunnite, random gender, 70 friendship
Adamant nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
272 276 204 309 129 228
EVs 4 252 0 252 0 0
IVs 31 31 31 31 31 31

Appearances in battle facilities

Holding Choice Band; Cute Charm; Adamant nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
EVs 0 252 0 252 0 0
Holding Figy Berry; Limber; Bold nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
EVs 252 0 252 0 0 0

Mega Form

Jump to: StatsMovesEncounter ratesTrainersBattle facility sets

More sprites
Type Normal Fighting
Resistances ROCK BUG DARK
Immunities GHOST
Abilities Name Description
Regular Abilities Scrappy Can hit Ghost-types with Normal and Fighting moves.
Mega Evolution method Hold the item Lopunnite
Pokédex entry An extremely cautious Pokémon. It cloaks its body with its fluffy ear fur when it senses danger.
Height 43′8″ / 13.0 m Weight 6239 lb / 283.0 kg Catch Rate 60
Wild held items None


HP Attack Defense Speed Special Attack Special Defense Total
Base stats 65 136 94 135 54 96 580
EV yields 0 0 0 2 0 0 2


Encounter rates

There are no regular wild encounters for this Pokémon.

Appearances in Trainer teams

Show trainer names and Pokémon nicknames (these may constitute spoilers)

League Manager Amethyst 2
League Manager Amethyst 2 ("Lustbunny")
Level 100, holding Life Orb, female, 255 friendship
Jolly nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
334 371 287 405 186 291
EVs 252 252 252 252 252 252
IVs 31 31 31 31 31 31

Appearances in battle facilities

This Pokémon does not appear in any battle facility teams.