Pokémon Reborn Database


Pokédex number 235 Gender ratio 50% male, 50% female Growth rate Fast
Category Painter Pokémon Steps to hatch 5355 Base EXP yield 88
Base friendship 70 Egg groups Field

Normal Form

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More sprites
Type Normal
Weaknesses FIGHTING
Immunities GHOST
Abilities Name Description
Regular Abilities Own Tempo This Pokémon cannot become confused.
Technician Greatly boosts its moves with power 60 or less.
Hidden Ability Moody Sharply raises a stat and lowers another each turn.
Pokédex entry A Smeargle marks its territory using a fluid that leaks out from the tip of its tail. About 5,000 different marks left by this Pokémon have been found.
Height 4′11″ / 1.2 m Weight 1279 lb / 58.0 kg Catch Rate 45
Wild held items None
Eggs hatch into Smeargle


HP Attack Defense Speed Special Attack Special Defense Total
Base stats 55 20 35 75 20 45 250
EV yields 0 0 0 1 0 0 1


Learnt by levelling up

Level Move
1 Sketch
11 Sketch
21 Sketch
31 Sketch
41 Sketch
51 Sketch
61 Sketch
71 Sketch
81 Sketch
91 Sketch

Encounter rates

Area ID Area name Encounter method Level range Rate
251 Lost Railcave Cave 35–38 5 1⁄3 %
251 Lost Railcave Cave 39, 41–45 2 %
251 Lost Railcave Cave 40 2⁄3 %
840 Chrysolia Deepwoods Grass (morning) 99–105 10 %
840 Chrysolia Deepwoods Grass (day) 99–106 4 %
840 Chrysolia Deepwoods Grass (night) 101–107 2 %
875 Chrysolia Deepwoods Cave 118–125 2 %

Appearances in Trainer teams

Show trainer names and Pokémon nicknames (these may constitute spoilers)

Posh Lulu
Posh Lulu
Level 43, no item, random gender, 70 friendship
Own Tempo/Technician/Moody (?)
Hardy nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
111 33 46 80 33 54
EVs 64 64 64 64 64 64
IVs 10 10 10 10 10 10
Prodigy Noel 7
Prodigy Noel 7
Level 100, holding Focus Sash, random gender, 70 friendship
Own Tempo
Jolly nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
314 76 106 273 68 127
EVs 252 0 0 252 0 4
IVs 31 31 31 31 31 31
Wandering Artist Smeargletail 2
Wandering Artist Smeargletail 2 ("Bastian")
Level 100, holding Focus Sash, random gender, 70 friendship
Own Tempo
Jolly nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
314 76 107 273 68 126
EVs 252 0 4 252 0 0
IVs 31 31 31 31 31 31

Appearances in battle facilities

Holding Focus Sash; Moody; Timid nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
EVs 0 0 0 252 252 0
Holding Focus Sash; Own Tempo; Timid nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
EVs 0 0 0 252 252 0

Dev Form

Jump to: StatsMovesEncounter ratesTrainersBattle facility sets

More sprites
Type Normal
Weaknesses FIGHTING
Immunities GHOST
Abilities Name Description
Regular Abilities Prankster Gains increased priority on its status moves.
Pokédex entry A Smeargle marks its territory using a fluid that leaks out from the tip of its tail. About 5,000 different marks left by this Pokémon have been found.
Height 4′11″ / 1.2 m Weight 1279 lb / 58.0 kg Catch Rate 45
Wild held items None
Eggs hatch into Smeargle (Dev Form)


HP Attack Defense Speed Special Attack Special Defense Total
Base stats 55 20 35 75 20 45 250
EV yields 0 0 0 1 0 0 1


Learnt by levelling up

Level Move
1 Sketch
11 Sketch
21 Sketch
31 Sketch
41 Sketch
51 Sketch
61 Sketch
71 Sketch
81 Sketch
91 Sketch

Encounter rates

There are no regular wild encounters for this Pokémon.

Appearances in Trainer teams

Show trainer names and Pokémon nicknames (these may constitute spoilers)

Wandering Artist Smeargletail 1
Wandering Artist Smeargletail 1 ("Bastian")
Level 100, holding Focus Sash, male, 70 friendship
Jolly nature
HP Atk Def Spe SpA SpD
314 139 169 273 125 189
EVs 252 252 252 252 252 252
IVs 31 31 31 31 31 31

Appearances in battle facilities

This Pokémon does not appear in any battle facility teams.