Pokémon Reborn Database

Aegir Cave Depths (860)

Parent area Aegir Cave (849) Underwater area (?) None Surface area (?) None
Child areas New World
Outdoor map? No Bicycle usable? Yes Dark area (Flash usable)? No
Battle background DarkCrystalCavern Base field effect Dark Crystal Cavern Fixed weather None
Background music Atmosphere- Dark Crystal.ogg Background sound Default
Wild battle music Battle- Wild3 Wild victory music Victory! Surf music Atmosphere- Surfing
Trainer battle music Battle- Trainer3 Trainer victory music Victory! Bicycle music Atmosphere- Rush


Click the image for a closer view.
There may be some imperfections, as I haven't yet figured out how render the autotiles correctly.

Wild encounters

Base encounter rates

These are the chances of a wild encounter being initiated per step, for each terrain type.

Grass Cave Water
1 3⁄5 % 1 3⁄5 % 1 3⁄5 %

Pokémon encounter rates

Given that an encounter has begun, the chance of encountering a given Pokémon with a given level can be read off from the table below. If a level range is given, each level within that range is equally likely.

For time-based encounters, morning is 6am to noon, day is noon to 8pm, night is 8pm to 6am, dusk is 5pm to 6pm.

Encounter method Pokémon Level range Rate Moves
Cave Sableye 104–114 20 % Shadow Ball, Foul Play, Quash, Mean Look (104–114)
Cave Carbink 104–114 15 % Stone Edge, Moonblast, Light Screen, Safeguard (104–114)
Cave Froslass 104–114 12 % Shadow Ball, Blizzard, Hail, Destiny Bond (104–114)
Cave Mawile 104–114 10 % Spit Up, Swallow, Iron Head, Play Rough (104–114)
Cave Vivillon 104–114 10 % Safeguard, Quiver Dance, Hurricane, Powder (104–114)
Cave Ribombee 104–114 10 % Bug Buzz, Dazzling Gleam, Aromatherapy, Quiver Dance (104–114)
Cave Butterfree 104–114 5 % Captivate, Tailwind, Air Slash, Quiver Dance (104–114)
Cave Volbeat 106–115 5 % Bug Buzz, Play Rough, Double-Edge, Infestation (106–115)
Cave Roserade 104–114 5 % Poison Sting, Mega Drain, Magical Leaf, Sweet Scent (104–114)
Cave Illumise 106–115 4 % Bug Buzz, Play Rough, Covet, Infestation (106–115)
Cave Florges (Red Flower Form) 107–117 2 % Misty Terrain, Moonblast, Petal Dance, Aromatherapy (107–117)
Cave Araquanid 107–120 2 % Lunge, Mirror Coat, Liquidation, Entrainment (107–120)
Old Rod Frillish 60–98 50 5⁄9 % Rain Dance, Hex, Hydro Pump, Wring Out (60–60)
Hex, Hydro Pump, Wring Out, Water Spout (61–98)
Old Rod Frillish 99–113 49 4⁄9 % Hex, Hydro Pump, Wring Out, Water Spout (99–113)
Good Rod Frillish 100–114 60 % Hex, Hydro Pump, Wring Out, Water Spout (100–114)
Good Rod Staryu 110–120 20 % Psychic, Light Screen, Cosmic Power, Hydro Pump (110–120)
Good Rod Alomomola 109–117 20 % Helping Hand, Healing Wish, Wide Guard, Hydro Pump (109–117)
Super Rod Jellicent 107–113 46 2⁄3 % Hex, Hydro Pump, Wring Out, Water Spout (107–113)
Super Rod Alomomola 107–113 40 % Helping Hand, Healing Wish, Wide Guard, Hydro Pump (107–113)
Super Rod Starmie 109–117 8 11⁄20 % Rapid Spin, Recover, Swift, Confuse Ray (109–117)
Super Rod Jellicent 114–115 3 1⁄3 % Hex, Hydro Pump, Wring Out, Water Spout (114–115)
Super Rod Starmie 118–120 3⁄4 % Rapid Spin, Recover, Swift, Confuse Ray (118–120)
Super Rod Starmie 108 7⁄10 % Rapid Spin, Recover, Swift, Confuse Ray (108–108)
Surf Lumineon 104–114 50 % U-turn, Bounce, Silver Wind, Soak (104–114)
Surf Empoleon 104–114 25 % Whirlpool, Mist, Drill Peck, Hydro Pump (104–114)
Surf Chimecho 106–115 15 % Double-Edge, Heal Pulse, Synchronoise, Healing Wish (106–115)
Surf Lapras 106–117 7 % Brine, Safeguard, Hydro Pump, Sheer Cold (106–117)
Surf Azumarill 107–120 3 % Rain Dance, Double-Edge, Superpower, Hydro Pump (107–120)

Special encounters

Pokémon Encounter type Level Other attributes of note
Diancie battle 115