Pokémon Reborn Database

Unexplored Territory (857)

Parent area Unexplored Territory (856) Underwater area (?) Unexplored Territory (856) Surface area (?) None
Child areas None
Outdoor map? No Bicycle usable? Yes Dark area (Flash usable)? No
Battle background Mountain Base field effect Mountain Fixed weather None
Background music Atmosphere- Reconnect.ogg Background sound Default
Wild battle music Battle- Wild4 Wild victory music Victory! Surf music Atmosphere- Surfing
Trainer battle music Battle- Postgame Trainer victory music Victory! Bicycle music Atmosphere- Rush


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There may be some imperfections, as I haven't yet figured out how render the autotiles correctly.

Wild encounters

Base encounter rates

These are the chances of a wild encounter being initiated per step, for each terrain type.

Grass Cave Water
6 2⁄5 % 4⁄5 % 1 3⁄5 %

Pokémon encounter rates

Given that an encounter has begun, the chance of encountering a given Pokémon with a given level can be read off from the table below. If a level range is given, each level within that range is equally likely.

For time-based encounters, morning is 6am to noon, day is noon to 8pm, night is 8pm to 6am, dusk is 5pm to 6pm.

Encounter method Pokémon Level range Rate Moves
Grass Xatu 103–110 20 % Future Sight, Power Swap, Guard Swap, Me First (103–110)
Grass Azumarill 103–110 15 % Rain Dance, Double-Edge, Superpower, Hydro Pump (103–110)
Grass Fearow 103–110 12 % Focus Energy, Roost, Drill Peck, Drill Run (103–110)
Grass Farfetch'd 103–110 10 % Feint, False Swipe, Air Slash, Brave Bird (103–110)
Grass Scyther 103–110 10 % Double Hit, Air Slash, Swords Dance, Feint (103–110)
Grass Jumpluff 103–110 10 % Worry Seed, Giga Drain, Bounce, Memento (103–110)
Grass Golduck 103–110 5 % Psych Up, Amnesia, Hydro Pump, Wonder Room (103–110)
Grass Rapidash 103–110 5 % Agility, Fire Blast, Bounce, Flare Blitz (103–110)
Grass Electrode 106–111 5 % Discharge, Explosion, Gyro Ball, Mirror Coat (106–111)
Grass Espeon 107–111 4 16⁄21 % Morning Sun, Psychic, Last Resort, Power Swap (107–111)
Grass Ninetales (Normal Form) 107–113 2 % Flamethrower, Quick Attack, Confuse Ray, Safeguard (107–113)
Grass Espeon 106 2⁄3 % Morning Sun, Psychic, Last Resort, Power Swap (106–106)
Grass Espeon 112–113 4⁄7 % Morning Sun, Psychic, Last Resort, Power Swap (112–113)
Old Rod Kabuto 60–110 70 % Mega Drain, Metal Sound, Ancient Power, Wring Out (60–110)
Old Rod Omanyte 99–110 30 % Tickle, Rock Blast, Shell Smash, Hydro Pump (99–110)
Good Rod Omanyte 70–110 60 % Tickle, Rock Blast, Shell Smash, Hydro Pump (70–110)
Good Rod Staryu 100–110 20 % Psychic, Light Screen, Cosmic Power, Hydro Pump (100–110)
Good Rod Qwilfish 99–110 20 % Poison Jab, Destiny Bond, Hydro Pump, Fell Stinger (99–110)
Super Rod Mantine 103–110 35 % Air Slash, Aqua Ring, Bounce, Hydro Pump (103–110)
Super Rod Omastar 103–106 26 2⁄3 % Tickle, Rock Blast, Shell Smash, Hydro Pump (103–106)
Super Rod Qwilfish 103–110 15 % Poison Jab, Destiny Bond, Hydro Pump, Fell Stinger (103–110)
Super Rod Omastar 107–108 14 4⁄21 % Tickle, Rock Blast, Shell Smash, Hydro Pump (107–108)
Super Rod Starmie 106–113 7 % Rapid Spin, Recover, Swift, Confuse Ray (106–113)
Super Rod Omastar 109–113 2 1⁄7 % Tickle, Rock Blast, Shell Smash, Hydro Pump (109–113)
Surf Golduck 104–110 50 % Psych Up, Amnesia, Hydro Pump, Wonder Room (104–110)
Surf Kabutops 104–110 25 % Metal Sound, Ancient Power, Wring Out, Night Slash (104–110)
Surf Aerodactyl 106–110 15 % Iron Head, Hyper Beam, Rock Slide, Giga Impact (106–110)
Surf Lapras 107–111 7 41⁄42 % Brine, Safeguard, Hydro Pump, Sheer Cold (107–111)
Surf Lapras 106 1 1⁄6 % Brine, Safeguard, Hydro Pump, Sheer Cold (106–106)
Surf Lapras 112–113 6⁄7 % Brine, Safeguard, Hydro Pump, Sheer Cold (112–113)

Special encounters

Pokémon Encounter type Level Other attributes of note
Latias gift 115
Latios gift 115