Pokémon Reborn Database

Route 1 (290)

Parent area Aventurine Region (145) Underwater area (?) None Surface area (?) None
Child areas North Aventurine Woods, South Aventurine Woods, Route 1, Route 1, Route 1, Route 1, Nature Center, Grand Gate, New World
Outdoor map? Yes Bicycle usable? Yes Dark area (Flash usable)? No
Battle background Grassy Base field effect Grassy Terrain Fixed weather None
Background music Atmosphere- Breeze.ogg Background sound Default
Wild battle music Battle- Wild2 Wild victory music Victory! Surf music Atmosphere- Surfing
Trainer battle music Battle- Trainer2 Trainer victory music Victory! Bicycle music Atmosphere- Rush


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There may be some imperfections, as I haven't yet figured out how render the autotiles correctly.

Wild encounters

Base encounter rates

These are the chances of a wild encounter being initiated per step, for each terrain type.

Grass Cave Water
2 2⁄5 % 8 % 8 %

Pokémon encounter rates

Given that an encounter has begun, the chance of encountering a given Pokémon with a given level can be read off from the table below. If a level range is given, each level within that range is equally likely.

For time-based encounters, morning is 6am to noon, day is noon to 8pm, night is 8pm to 6am, dusk is 5pm to 6pm.

Encounter method Pokémon Level range Rate Moves
Grass (morning) Cherubi 44–47 15 % Worry Seed, Take Down, Solar Beam, Lucky Chant (44–46)
Take Down, Solar Beam, Lucky Chant, Petal Blizzard (47–47)
Grass (morning) Tauros 43–47 12 % Payback, Work Up, Take Down, Zen Headbutt (43–47)
Grass (morning) Kangaskhan 43–47 10 % Chip Away, Dizzy Punch, Crunch, Endure (43–45)
Dizzy Punch, Crunch, Endure, Outrage (46–47)
Grass (morning) Miltank 43–47 10 % Body Slam, Zen Headbutt, Captivate, Gyro Ball (43–47)
Grass (morning) Deerling (Spring Form) 42–44 10 % Aromatherapy, Energy Ball, Charm, Nature Power (42–44)
Grass (morning) Deerling (Summer Form) 42–44 10 % Aromatherapy, Energy Ball, Charm, Nature Power (42–44)
Grass (morning) Bouffalant 43–44 10 % Revenge, Head Charge, Focus Energy, Megahorn (43–44)
Grass (morning) Audino 40–45 5 % Secret Power, Entrainment, Take Down, Heal Pulse (40–40)
Entrainment, Take Down, Heal Pulse, After You (41–44)
Take Down, Heal Pulse, After You, Simple Beam (45–45)
Grass (morning) Skiddo 42–52 5 % Seed Bomb, Bulk Up, Double-Edge, Horn Leech (42–44)
Bulk Up, Double-Edge, Horn Leech, Leaf Blade (45–49)
Double-Edge, Horn Leech, Leaf Blade, Milk Drink (50–52)
Grass (morning) Mudbray 44–49 5 % Heavy Slam, Counter, Earthquake, Mega Kick (44–44)
Counter, Earthquake, Mega Kick, Superpower (45–49)
Grass (morning) Cherrim (Overcast Form) 44–48 4 % Sunny Day, Worry Seed, Take Down, Solar Beam (44–47)
Worry Seed, Take Down, Solar Beam, Lucky Chant (48–48)
Grass (morning) Gogoat 45–55 2 % Bulldoze, Seed Bomb, Bulk Up, Double-Edge (45–46)
Seed Bomb, Bulk Up, Double-Edge, Horn Leech (47–54)
Bulk Up, Double-Edge, Horn Leech, Leaf Blade (55–55)
Grass (morning) Mudsdale 45–55 2 % High Horsepower, Iron Defense, Heavy Slam, Counter (45–46)
Iron Defense, Heavy Slam, Counter, Earthquake (47–54)
Heavy Slam, Counter, Earthquake, Mega Kick (55–55)
Grass (day) Ponyta 44–50 15 % Take Down, Inferno, Agility, Fire Blast (44–44)
Inferno, Agility, Fire Blast, Bounce (45–48)
Agility, Fire Blast, Bounce, Flare Blitz (49–50)
Grass (day) Tauros 43–47 12 % Payback, Work Up, Take Down, Zen Headbutt (43–47)
Grass (day) Kangaskhan 43–47 10 % Chip Away, Dizzy Punch, Crunch, Endure (43–45)
Dizzy Punch, Crunch, Endure, Outrage (46–47)
Grass (day) Miltank 43–47 10 % Body Slam, Zen Headbutt, Captivate, Gyro Ball (43–47)
Grass (day) Deerling (Spring Form) 45–49 10 % Aromatherapy, Energy Ball, Charm, Nature Power (45–45)
Energy Ball, Charm, Nature Power, Double-Edge (46–49)
Grass (day) Deerling (Summer Form) 45–49 10 % Aromatherapy, Energy Ball, Charm, Nature Power (45–45)
Energy Ball, Charm, Nature Power, Double-Edge (46–49)
Grass (day) Bouffalant 43–47 10 % Revenge, Head Charge, Focus Energy, Megahorn (43–45)
Head Charge, Focus Energy, Megahorn, Reversal (46–47)
Grass (day) Linoone 45–52 5 % Slash, Double-Edge, Rest, Belly Drum (45–47)
Double-Edge, Rest, Belly Drum, Fling (48–52)
Grass (day) Skiddo 42–52 5 % Seed Bomb, Bulk Up, Double-Edge, Horn Leech (42–44)
Bulk Up, Double-Edge, Horn Leech, Leaf Blade (45–49)
Double-Edge, Horn Leech, Leaf Blade, Milk Drink (50–52)
Grass (day) Mudbray 40–42 5 % Iron Defense, Heavy Slam, Counter, Earthquake (40–42)
Grass (day) Audino 40–45 4 % Secret Power, Entrainment, Take Down, Heal Pulse (40–40)
Entrainment, Take Down, Heal Pulse, After You (41–44)
Take Down, Heal Pulse, After You, Simple Beam (45–45)
Grass (day) Gogoat 45–55 2 % Bulldoze, Seed Bomb, Bulk Up, Double-Edge (45–46)
Seed Bomb, Bulk Up, Double-Edge, Horn Leech (47–54)
Bulk Up, Double-Edge, Horn Leech, Leaf Blade (55–55)
Grass (day) Mudsdale 45–55 2 % High Horsepower, Iron Defense, Heavy Slam, Counter (45–46)
Iron Defense, Heavy Slam, Counter, Earthquake (47–54)
Heavy Slam, Counter, Earthquake, Mega Kick (55–55)
Grass (night) Arbok 50–51 15 1⁄3 % Acid Spray, Mud Bomb, Gastro Acid, Belch (50–50)
Mud Bomb, Gastro Acid, Belch, Haze (51–51)
Grass (night) Ponyta 44–51 15 % Take Down, Inferno, Agility, Fire Blast (44–44)
Inferno, Agility, Fire Blast, Bounce (45–48)
Agility, Fire Blast, Bounce, Flare Blitz (49–51)
Grass (night) Tauros 46–49 12 % Payback, Work Up, Take Down, Zen Headbutt (46–47)
Work Up, Take Down, Zen Headbutt, Swagger (48–49)
Grass (night) Kangaskhan 43–49 10 % Chip Away, Dizzy Punch, Crunch, Endure (43–45)
Dizzy Punch, Crunch, Endure, Outrage (46–48)
Crunch, Endure, Outrage, Sucker Punch (49–49)
Grass (night) Karrablast 43–49 10 % Bug Buzz, Slash, Take Down, Scary Face (43–43)
Slash, Take Down, Scary Face, X-Scissor (44–48)
Take Down, Scary Face, X-Scissor, Flail (49–49)
Grass (night) Bouffalant 43–49 10 % Revenge, Head Charge, Focus Energy, Megahorn (43–45)
Head Charge, Focus Energy, Megahorn, Reversal (46–49)
Grass (night) Arbok 52 6 2⁄3 % Mud Bomb, Gastro Acid, Belch, Haze (52–52)
Grass (night) Linoone 45–52 5 % Slash, Double-Edge, Rest, Belly Drum (45–47)
Double-Edge, Rest, Belly Drum, Fling (48–52)
Grass (night) Audino 40–50 5 % Secret Power, Entrainment, Take Down, Heal Pulse (40–40)
Entrainment, Take Down, Heal Pulse, After You (41–44)
Take Down, Heal Pulse, After You, Simple Beam (45–48)
Heal Pulse, After You, Simple Beam, Double-Edge (49–50)
Grass (night) Mudbray 42–47 5 % Iron Defense, Heavy Slam, Counter, Earthquake (42–42)
Heavy Slam, Counter, Earthquake, Mega Kick (43–44)
Counter, Earthquake, Mega Kick, Superpower (45–47)
Grass (night) Arbok 48–49 2 % Acid Spray, Mud Bomb, Gastro Acid, Belch (48–49)
Grass (night) Rapidash 57 2 % Agility, Fire Blast, Bounce, Flare Blitz (57–57)
Grass (night) Mudsdale 57 2 % Heavy Slam, Counter, Earthquake, Mega Kick (57–57)

Special encounters

Pokémon Encounter type Level Other attributes of note
Tauros battle 47
Tauros battle 47
Tauros battle 47
Tauros battle 47
Tyrogue trade None
Nickname: Junior
OT: Anderson
Trainer ID: random
Tyrogue trade None
Nickname: Junior
OT: Anderson
Trainer ID: random
Bouffalant battle 47
Bouffalant battle 47
Bouffalant battle 47
Bouffalant battle 47